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Who is Mark? — Update of FBI investigation into my son’s murder.

Who is Mark? — Update of FBI investigation into my son’s murder.

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Who is the heck is Mark? I think I just found the source of all the “Wendy said … about Mark…” type slander that is going around locally. I do not know anyone named Mark, unless you count the YouTuber Markiplier, who I watch daily.

It’s near daily, both online and offline for well over a decade now, of wild, crazed rumors of me supposedly “gossiping about Mark” or “trying to get people to hate Mark” ect.

The problem is, I can not figure out who in the heck this “Mark” even is, because I have never heard of anyone named Mark before.

Whenever I ask these people “Who is Mark, what are you talking about?” They always say the same thing: “Oh you know Mark, everyone knowns Mark, he runs the town, Mark don’t need no last name. the whole state of Maine knows Mark, especially YOU what with the way you bad mouth him all day long!”… uhm?

How am I going on about someone I don’t know?

What are they even talking about?

THEY are the ones going “Mark this” and “Mark that” and slapping me name on to what they are saying and I want to know why it is they are lying about me and saying I’m talking about some guy I never even heard of before.

What? 99% of the people who work at the town hall are cousins or uncles of mine, and it’s been that way since the 1920s… and there has NEVER been anyone in my family named Mark, nor has there ever been anyone at the town hall named Mark for well over 200 years.

So, no, there is no one named Mark who runs the town.

And, again, who the hell do these people think I am?

Clearly these people are mixing me up with someone else, AGAIN, because:

  • #1 prior to 2010, when I started college, I never set foot off my farm at 146 Portland Ave, EVER, not once since the 1970s, because Ben would not allow it because he is insanely over the top paranoid I might encounter another male. Ben whom I’ve “belonged” to since I was 8, Ben, who is 27 years older then me, and thinks nothing wrong with adult men buying female children, whom only let me go outside on SunDay’s to drive me to church and at Church never let me out of his sight and had meltdowns if anyone male or female tried to talk to me… Ben, who would not let me go to school, terrorizing my parents over the evils of public school because Ben, did not want me to ever met another man, because I at 8 years old was his and no one else could have me, a thing he continues to rave on about now 42 years later; Ben who would not let me get a driver license after my grandmother and mother snuck me out at 15 years old to the DMV to get my permit, Ben who now brags he taught me to drive, but he did so when I was 31 years old, and keeps track of mileage on my car, Ben who controls all money and refuses to allow me to know how to do numbers or math and had a meltdown when he found out I had a job online for KEEN that was paying $600 PER HOUR and he flipped out and shut down my Keen profile while saying I was “evil” for being a female and earning more money then him; …
  • #2 I was mute until I had surgery on June 24, 2016, which gave me the ability to talk. Mute because I required a simple one hour day surgery, when I was 14 that Ben refused to let me have because at the time he was in full swing Heaven’s Gate waiting for HaleBopp mode with my uncles and the Alien God Ben believes in does not allow or doctors; and because I was not allowed outside, not allowed to drive a car, and Ben enjoyed the fact that I was mute, I went from the age of 14 to the age of 42 mute, for no reason other then Ben did not want me to be able to talk. The surrey happened June 24, 2016 in a doctors office in the complex behind the Biddeford hospital, and guess who showed up to have a meltdown in the doctors office ? Ben. He was NOT happy about the fact that I had that surgery WITHOUT HIS PERMISSION…I’m only NOW just learning ow to talk, now in 2024!
  • #3 I don’t know anyone named Mark. But, Ben does. And my father does. Ben and my Father get together near daily for well over 30 years now, to have gab sessions which last 4 to 5 hours, of them steady none stop complaining of how much they hate the Mormon church, how much they hate someone they call Mark, and recently also how much they hate someone called Biden, whom, I think might be one of the American presidents, though I’m not sure. Ben and my father CLEARLY know someone named Mark, but every time I ask either of them who that is, they wave their hands in my face and say: “No gave you permission to speak, female. The men are talking, go write your books.”…
  • #4 I just caught BEN and my cousin Don talking, and THEY were both going back and forth saying to each other “Wendy said… about Mark…” “oh yeah and she was saying … about Mark…” “yeah and did you know Wendy hates Mark because…”Oh yeah and I heard Wendy said… about Mark last week”…. for almost an hour of steady, none stop bold faced lying about me.
  • #5 I’m not allowed to have a phone because Ben is paranoid I might talk to another man. Don is my cousin and called Ben, to ask about some weird rumor which Don says is flying around Old Orchard right now, of once again, me supposedly saying something about someone named Mark. He wanted to know “What’s going on between Wendy and Mark?” To which Ben answered “Oh you know how Wendy is, she hates Mark…” wait… what? I don’t even know who this mystery Mark is? How can I hate someone if I don’t even know who they are? What in the hell is Ben even talking about?
  • #6 Ben would have a psychotic meltdown if I even HINTED to mentioning another man’s name, EVERYONE who lives in the area has SEEN what Ben does to my car if Ben gets it in his head that another man my have even looked at it! I used to have a 1974 AMC Gremlin, and sitting in tiny little pieces in twelves 5gallon buckets in my yard! Only an idiot who doesn’t know what kind of a deranged man I’m married to would DARE suggest I ever said another man’s name!

The conversation went on and one for nearly an hour of Ben telling Don, one blatant lie after another about me, starting nearly every sentence with “Wendy and Mark…” and yet, I still don’t know who this Mark is, and when I asked Ben, why he was lying to Don about me and who is Mark? Ben got mad at the Saco Unitarian church, and started raving and ranting that they were all evil because they were gay….uhm…wait…what?

What does the Unitarian church in Saco have to do with anything? What is he talking about? What does that have to do with what he was just telling Don?

And again… WHO THE HELL IS MARK?!?!?!

Ben. The High Priest.

Ben… who is the high priest quorum leader of the Sanford Ward church, and NEVER told them I was crippled with a broken spine and I only just found out last summer that NO ONE in my church even KNEW that I had not attended church.

Ben… whom is one of the 3 people who were the ONLY three people who knew I was going to be at the BugLight Lighthouse November 14, 2013, where the Claire woman murdered BEN’s SON, a baby that Ben denies being the father of, a baby that Ben denies ever existed, …and the Claire woman who crippled me the same time she killed BEN’s baby… in 2013 I was running the 3rd largest egg producing poultry farm in the state of Maine, here at 146 Portland Ave in Old Orchard Beach, Maine and it was shut down because Ben shut it down rather then keep it going, while I was paralyzed with a broken spine… by February 2014, ALL the chickens, roosters, bantams were gone. I used to have horses and goats and rabbits as well. But November 14, 2013 the mystery woman who calls herself Claire crippled me while I was 8 months pregnant with BEN’s baby and killed BEN’s son, and Ben not only did not care that his son was murdered, but he also, did not care about keep a 200 year old egg farm in business either… because I, a female, owned it.

That’s why since November 2013 there are no more horses, goats, rabbits, or thousands of chickens at 146 Portland Ave, Old Orchard Beach, Maine.

In 2016, when FBI agent Andy Drewer showed up to investigate my son’s murder, after the previous agent had moved to Florida, the first thing he said to me after introducing himself was: “How well do you trust Ben?” a lot of questions about Ben. Including, to ask if I was aware Ben had left the LDS/Mormon church and was quote: “Attending church with Mark’s wife” unquote.

No. I did not know Ben had left the LDS/Mormon church.

According to the FBI agent, Ben had left the LDS/Mormon church many years ago and was leading a very elaborate double life that he was being very careful not to let me know about.

And what is the FBI agent talking about? What church? What wife?

He tells me, Curtis Lake Church… Ben is going to Curtis Lake Church with “Mark’s wife”, whoever the hell that is… ah… yes, I know that church… they are the ones who like to gather in my driveway and chant that my Volvo is “Too gay for the family friendly town of Old Orchard Beach” because I don’t know… I still can’t figure out how a car can be gay.

That church is almost a 3 hour drive away. It’s not local.

And as I have done with so many other people, I asked the FBI agents the age old question: “Who is Mark?”

To which he replied: “You don’t know do you? I thought you didn’t. Ben and your father have been very careful to not let you know what’s going on. Your father needed money and he put a mortgage on your house at 144 Portland Ave. Are you aware your father solf 144 Portland Ave to your cousin Don?”

Uhm? What?

No. I was unaware of this.

In fact, in 2016 I was still planting and growing my flowers and vegetables at 144 Portland Ave, fully unaware that NINE (9) years earlier my father had sold my land to Don!

I was NEVER NOTIFIED of the sale!

And my father had gone to the Old Orchard Beach town hall WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE OR PERMISSION and ILLEGALLY changed the deed into his name!

And then, he also ILLEGALLY changed the deed of 148 Portland Ave and put it into my mother’s name!

My father stole not one, but TWO pieces of land from me, and then scammed Don into paying him for one and my mother into paying him for the other, because according to the FBI, my father had hired a private investigator to follow my mother and her 2nd husband Wayne, and then paid the detective with a fake check, for twenty-six thousand dollars resulting in the detective going through some loan shark collection agency in Portland to get the money back from my father.

According to the FBI agent, that $26k disappeared. He said my father used the fake deed to my 144 Portland property to take out a bank loan for $26k, to pay the detective, but then gave the detective a fake check, and no one, including the FBI has been able to find that $26k or what my father did with it.

The loan shark agency, was supposedly connected to some gang. And according to the FBI agent, the detective did this is October 2013, a few weeks after the backhoe drove over my house and a few days before my son’s murder and my being crippled.

THAT was the FBI agents answer when I asked him: “Who is Mark?”

What the hell did my father get himself invollved in? I have no clue. I knew none of this before the FBI agent told me.

The FBI agent went on to say: “I gathered you were unaware of what your father had been doing.” And went on to list off other things my father had done: 2 house foreclosures in my name, more than a dozen car repossessions in my name, 27 credit cards in my name — EACH maxed out to over $20k; more than a hundred bank accounts for banks all over the states and in other states.

I never went to school. It wasn’t allowed. I don’t know math or money or numbers. I don’t even know how to use a credit card, let alone how to get one! I’ve never had any of those things, but here was the FBI agent listing off one thing after another, and saying my father has been taking all this stuff out in my name, borrowing tens of hundreds of thousands of dollars in money, in my name… with nothing to show for it. Nothing. FBI says they can trace the money back to my father, but it stops there. He’s not spending it. He’s not buying things. He never has any money. He’s daily borrowing money from Ben and never paying Ben back.

I’ve never had electricity or running water, there is no electric hookups or water hook ups on my land at all, and yet, CMP had tens of thousands of unpaid electric bills from all over the state of Maine, all in my name, and the FBI suspects, all taken out by my father.

What does any of this have to do with answering the question: “Who is Mark?” I don’t know.

All of this about my father stealing money and land and everything else, THAT was the FBI’s agent’s answer to the question: “Who is Mark?”

What the hell, does listing off all that stuff my father did, have to do with answering the question: “Who is Mark?”

But when I asked again, “Who is Mark and what is any of this about my father to do with someone called Mark?”

The FBI agent answered with this:

“The less you know about Mark the better. He’s digging his own grave. He’s in this as deep as your father. They’ve been working together on a very big scam for a very long time. They think we don’t know, but we do. We know everything. We have surveillance around them both. I just wanted to find out if you knew.”

The FBI agent remained adamant that there was no need for me to know who this mystery Mark was, and refused to tell me.

They just said they know who he is and are keeping a close watch on him as a person of interest connected to my son’s murder, but that he might be being framed same way others were being framed.

The FBI agent said there are a lot of people involved in this that I don’t need to know who they are, I just need to know that the FBI agents are keeping a close eyes on everyone and that even though a lot of the people involved think they are doing a good job of covering their tracks, the FBI knows about their attempts to hide evidence and plant evidence.

The FBI agents said, don’t worry, they got everything under control. Whatever that means.

He also told me, not to trust Ben.

And that has always confused me, but now, as I am relearning to walk, and am to the point, now in 2024, of being able to go outside again… I am now learning, Ben has been VERY busy, building up a massive lie about me.

Ben has done everything in his power to hide from me, the fact that he left the LDS/Mormon church, over a decade ago.

He still reports going to weekly temple trips with Rick, even though the FBI agents says Rick moved to Utah 8 years ago.

Ben still reports updates on Steve Shaw and Larry and Bishop Provenchar. Leaders in the church, back in the 1990s. People I know. But people I’ve not seen or heard from since 2013, because I’ve been crippled in bed since 2013, and no one from the church has visited me. Not once.

But, locals informed me a few weeks ago, that Bishop Provincha has not been Bishop in a decade and he also got divorced and moved to Utah and… according to locals, Ben spends an inordinate amount of time with Proventicar’s now ex-wife.

Every Sunday Ben is coming back talking about these men who run the church with him, going on and on about what they did this week.

Every Tuesday and Thursday, Ben’s going to the Boston Temple with them.

And now I’m being told- Ben lost his temple recommend over a decade ago, he’s not allowed to set foot in any temple. And those people, he’s supposedly doing all this stuff with, haven’t lived in Maine for years!

Ben ain’t going no where with them!

Ben’s been lying about EVERYTHING about all his churc activies and church trips, for over a decade!

And I had no clue, because I’m bedridden, I get can’t out of bed to attend church. I had no way to check if he was lying, but also, I had no reason to suspect him of lying.

Ben and I attended that church every Sunday for 42 years. They WERE people that he USED to go on those trips with, so it was a very believable lie.

I’m told by members from both the Saco Ward church AND the Sanford Ward church, that not only did Ben NOT tell anyone at either church I was crippled, dying, and spending the last 10 years relearning to walk… nor did he tell them his son was murdered, but he also never told them we had a son at all…. and… they say Ben told them I had become an anti-Mormon and had left the church… they also say Ben is the one telling people I believe in aliens and UFO… AND they say Ben is the one telling people that I believe my car is haunted.

My car is not haunted, and I’m so sick of people saying it is.

And I don’t believe in aliens or UFOs. Ben on the other hand is a MUFON member, and classifies himself as a ufologist.

I’m horrified to find out that Ben is the one who has been spreading those rumors, because he’s fully aware I don’t believe in that alien, ufo, ghosts, demons, mumbo-jumbo bullshit!

It gets worse.

Several of them say that Ben refers to me as “the daughter of a friend” while others said Ben claimed I was his daughter.

  • I’ve been married to Ben since August 13, 1987.
  • I had 7 miscarriages between 1987 and 2006.
  • Most of them happened before I was 17.
  • Ben’s been the father of all of them.
  • Since 2006 I’ve only had sex once.
  • March 2013, again, Ben.
  • And he did know I was pregnant.
  • I told him, in July 2013.
  • The backhoe drove over my house less than 2 weeks later.

Also in July 2013, I went to the Old Orchard Beach Town Hall and got a building permit, to add a room to the back of the house, for the baby.

The Old Orchard Beach Town Hall has a record of the fact that I got a building permit to add a baby’s nursery to the back of my house!

That same month, vandals were dumping construction trucks full of bagged garbage on my land on top of my garden.

August 4, 2013, Ben and my Father arrived at my yellow house, to say they were bringing a friend over on the weekend, to haul the garbage away.

August 8, 2013, instead of a dump truck arriving to haul out the garbage, a backhoe arrived and drove over the house. The police arrived and found that the backhoe driver had with him forged documents from the Old Orchard Beach Town hall, issuing him a demolition permit, that my father paid for. The town hall reported that Ben drove my father to the town hall to get that forged document filed.

The whole REASON we HAD the above BEFORE picture, which was taken July 4, 2013, was because that was the day we (me and Ben) started the construction of the add on of the baby’s room, and we took pictures around the entire house at the start of the construction of baby Xavier’s bedroom.

Hell, if you zoom in you can even see the building permit in the bay window just above the trunk of my car!

That’s what happened to my Guiness World Record winning Uncle Scrooge McDuck comic book collection. It was in that house when the backhoe drove over it.

That’s what happened to my Lord sesshomaru CosPlay that people knew me for for years. It was in that house when the backhoe drove over it.

That’s also what happened to the baby bassinet, the baby cloths, the baby supplies, the new baby bedroom that was half built by August 2013. It was in that house when the backhoe drove over it.

My 8th pregnancy was the first one to make it to 5 months without a miscarriage and so it was a huge celebration, one that everyone at college knew about.

My art teacher Hillary, at Southern Maine Community College was hovering concerns all semester, over my being in her Buglight Studio art class, due to paint supplies stored in the art studio might be bad for the baby, so, every class I was in that semester, she did outside, on the pier of the BugLight Lighthouse… the pier where on November 14, 2013 my baby was murdered by a stranger calling herself Claire and accusing me of trying to kill her husband.

Ben’s reaction to the golf club attack was bizarre to say the least.

Ben would not take me to the hospital.

He absolutely refused to go to the ER.

And I could not move. I was paralyzed from my waist down.

Every week, for 5 months, Ben carried me to his car, and drove to the Biddeford Free Clinic at the Ross Center, in Biddeford.

Every week, his story to the woman at the desk was the same… “She fell on the ice and hurt her back, it’s not that bad, we can wait, let others go ahead.”

In 2013, I was still mute. I would not have the surgery that gave me the ability to speak, until June 24, 2016, three years later… so I could not the nurse at the Ross Center Free Clinic that BEN WAS LYING about what had happened.



February 2014… once again at the clinic, now 5 months in agony, this time, the woman came out from behind her desk to look at me herself. She took one look at my leg and said:

“Her leg is plainly broken. Why’ve you been coming here for 5 months, you should have taken her to the hospital! Can you not see she’s in agony!”

Ben said: “We’re paying cash.”

I had medical insurance. He did not need to pay cash.

He wanted to pay cash so there would be no record of the baby’s death and the doctors figured that out immediately. They said so right to his face.

Ben and the old Catholic nun nurse had a yelling match at each other over why I should or should not be in the hospital.

The old nurse, then picked up the phone and said:

“I have an extreme emergency case, a broken spine, broken pelvis, broken hips, broken legs, paralyzed, she can not walk. He’s been carrying her in here every week for 5 months now and leaving without her being treated. He is refusing to take her to the ER. She clearly recently had a baby. This looks like a battered woman case. I’m sending her to you right now. If they do not arrive, let me know, I’ll have the police arrest him.”

She then gave us the address for a Veteran’s Medical Center on the Ross Road in Saco, and told Ben to take me there right now.

He did. But he ONLY did because she threatened to have the police arrest him, if he didn’t.

He was ready to go back home again, tuck me back in under the tarp:

Outside, under a tarp, under seven feet of snow, paralized, unable to sit up let alone walk… ALONE… Every week, Benn tucked me back in there, and then left. … to go sleep and eat in a nice warm mansion in Wells.

Every week for 5 months, I lay there with a non-stop issue of blood, caused by the dead baby.

Before November 2013, I lived fine under that tarp which was put up May 2006. But after November 14, 2013, I could not cook, I could not eat, I could not do anything.

And for 5 months, Ben there did not think there was anything wrong with that.

And he was outright telling the old nun at the Ross Center: “It’s okay, I’ll just take her home. She’s not hurt that bad. She can sleep it off.” But he wasn’t telling the nun, “home” was an 8x6 tarp, which at that moment was buried under 7 feet of snow.

So while the old nun was horrified by what she was seeing happening at the Ross Center, she had no clue the reality of how bad things really were, or how little Ben cared if I lived or died. And he did not want her to know about the tarp, he did not want to police to find out, I had spent the first 5 months of being crippled, alone, under that tarp. with NO ONE checking in on me.

He was literally coming back once a week, to see if I was still alive, and if I was, take me to the Ross Center Free Clinic, to PRETEND he cared.

What changed February 2014?

I passed out from the 5 months of blood lose on the front hall of the Ross Center.

I likely would have died within the next 24 hours. I was THAT bad off. And Ben was just going to take me back “home” again.

And THAT is why the old nun threatened to have Ben arrested if he did not take me to the Veterans Hospital, immediately. And she had Ben so scared he was going to be arrested that he drove to the Veterans Hospital.

And once there, the female doctor, took me off to a room, where she kept me for 5 hours, while a hole bunch of people, kept asking the same question: “Where’s the baby? We can tell you just had a baby? Where is the baby? Did he do something to the baby?”

That was the start of my endless years of medical hell.

Being sent to surgeons all over the state, being sent to physical therapy, and having police and FBI agents hovering around during many of my hospital visits.

All the while with Ben scared out of his mind, an nurses giving him hell for the 5 months of me being denied medical treatment after the gold club attack of November 14, 2013, which I did not get treated for until February 2014.

The baby’s pulverised remains, were buried on my land. It was the last thing I was able to do before my broken legs gave out completely, November 2013.

Since 2013, people have arrived on my land with construction diggers, backhoes, excavators, bobcats, all ILLEGALLY… digging holes all over my yard, cutting down trees, and ripping up apple orchards, grape vineyards, and rose bushes, in their endless desperate search to find my son’s grave.

Between 2013 and 2024, I’ve had to dig up my son and move his grave over a dozen times.

Originally there was a tombstone, to mark the grave, I’ve had to take it down nd leave my one’s grave unmarked, because there is someone who REALLY wants ALL evidence of his existence erased.

In September 2020, the 3rd largest vandalism attack on 146 Portland Ave happened, and it was done in such a way to frame my uncle Bruce… except he died November 2019… the FBI and the Old Orchard Beach police, said, don’t anyone exact details of what happened, and don’t move anything… we have pictures of how everything is… just say on Facebook, that another attack happened and you know it wasn’t Bruce Bruce is dead, we want to see what happened.

A few hours after I posted the FaceBook post as the police had instructed, someone returned to my land, and changed the evidence, to make it look like me cousin Don had done it.

AND… they left something else… the police know what it is, as they collected it as evidence… but whoever did this… they know my father has diabetes and tried to frame my father, by making it look like his diabetes equipment had fallen out of his car. They went very far to frame both my cousin Don and my father, for something, that days before, they had framed my uncle Bruce for. They knew my father’s medicine, but they didn’t know it had been changed a year prior.

2022, one of my father’s nurses was arrested by the FBI, they did not tell us why, only that they did it. She was arrested from the house across the street, out of the apartment building the Saco Ward church houses it’s missionaries in. All we know is she was somehow connected to the September 2020 event.

May 2021, the police allowed us to tell Don what had happened to my land September 2020. An Old Orchard Beach police officer stood their silently listening as Ben called Don on speaker phone and told Don, someone had cut down the 15 foot cedar trees across the front of my land, and had stolen Don’s boat and put it in my driveway.

The first thing Don said was: “It wasn’t Mark was it? You know how much Mark hates Wendy.”

Ben immediately shushed Don, told him not to talk about Mark right now, explained “Wendy is with me” but did not tell Don the police officer was also there. Don, confirmed that yes, that was his boat, and no, he had not told anyone to move it, then explained two separate incidents, one with his septic tank and one with an electrician, both taking over $10k from him to do work, but then never doing the work, and asking, “Could they have used the money to vandalism her yard and that’s why they never did the work I paid them to do?”

During this conversation I asked Don: “Who is Mark?” Don said, “He’s the guy who always vandalises your yard. His family tresspasses on your land every time you’re not home. His wife is the one who stole your azaleas and rhododendrons. They’ve been stealing your plants for years.”

But once again, Ben made a very big point of shutting Don up, and it became VERY clear at that point that Ben KNOWS who Mark is and Ben does NOT want me to know who Mark is. But I don’t know why. That part confuses me.

I don’t know how much I can trust Ben anymore.

In the past few months, as I get up out of bed more and more often, continuing to relearn to walk, strengthening my legs and back and bein able to stand up for now a few hours to a time instead of just a few minutes, Ben seems to be becoming increasingly hostile, increasing agitated, and increasingly nerves and jumpy.

In the last couple of weeks, he’s become VERY full of outbursts and anger, ESPECIALLY over the FBI hotline for HIS son’s murder… and most recently, he has become daily enraged over the fact that images of the Clair woman are now on my car.

In fact… it’s starting to look like he knows who the Claire woman is.

His son was murdered and a normal man, would turn hell inside out to find his son’s killer… and yet, Ben’s doing everything in his power to erase all evidence that his son ever existed at all, and has outright told me many times now “Call off the FBI! This is stupid! The FBI is harassing that poor woman and her family!”

Wait… what?

Ben said that last week.

What poor woman and her family i being harassed by the FBI?

What is he even talking about?

Which brings us to today… and a phone call from Don. Don, said, that “Mark’s wife” is very upset that the FBI just questioned her about her connection to my son’s murder.

So my question is now, not only: “Who is Mark?” but now also: “Who is Mark’s why?” … and “Why is the FBI looking at this mystery Mark and his equally mystery wife, as being involved in my son’s murder?”… and “Why is Ben so angry about that?” and… “Why would anyone think I had the power to call off the FBI?” I don’t control the FBI. It’s stupid for anyone to think that.

I remain as ever, very confused, but now more so than ever, because Ben is very, very, VERRY angry over the FBI and them apparently closing in on a new lead involving our son’s murder.

The biggest question of all is this: What is Ben so scared the FBI is going to find out? And why is Ben acting like this about his own son’s murder? Why doesn’t Ben want the FBI to find his son’s killer?

And with how angry Ben is right now, I can not help but think back to 2016, when FBI agent Andy Drewer showed up to investigate my son’s murder, after the previous agent had moved to Florida, the first thing he said to me after introducing himself was: “How well do you trust Ben?”

Ben has been lying a lot. About a lot of things. Things he does not know I know about. Because he does not know the FBI agents questioned me about the things Ben was doing.

Why did Ben leave the church?

Why didn’t Ben tell me he left the church?

Why has Ben been pretending to still go to church activities and do church things with church people… who… don’t even live in Maine any more?

Why did Ben never tell anyone at church I was crippled?

Why did Ben lie, and tell people I became an anti-Mormon and left the church?

I’ve been bedridden, struggling to stay alive, with life threatening injuries, spendina decade relearning to walk, wondering the entire tim why not once did anyone from church visit me, not home teachers, not visiting teachers, not the bishop…. no one. Not once in 10 years of struggling to stay alive, struggling to relearn to walk.

And now I find out, they were never told about my injuries at all. Worse, they were lied to and told I had left the church!

Why did he do that?

The FBI agents, says he believes Ben knows who the Claire woman is and his covering up for her.

Why would he do that?

She murdered his son and crippled his wife, almost killed his wife… why would he protect her identity?

Why was no one at church told our son was murdered?

So many questions.

Ben just looks more and more guilty of being involved every day.

I don’t know what to do.

I don’t think I can trust Ben anymore.

It really is starting to look like Ben is orchestrating EVERYTHING and has gone out of his way to cut off EVERYONE and ANYONE who I might ever go to. But I can not understand why would he do something like that? I am so confused.


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Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam - leave my family the fuuck alone - keep you fucking jackass crew out of my yard, away from my car, and away from my friends - @FBI #FBI @FBIBOSTON Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam how many times do I have to tell you people I am not an alien abductee, my name is not EelKat, EelKat is a fictional character from a novel I wrote, - @FBI #FBI @FBIBOSTON Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam - my car is not haunted, that was a fucking hoax perpetrated by my uncle and it was debunked 2 damned decades ago, he's the only one who calls it the goldeneagle, not me I've never called it that, - @FBI #FBI @FBIBOSTON Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam - and my friend you jackasses call Etiole is not an alien he is a homeless WW2 veteran with a lot of scars and he's almost a hundred years old - @FBI #FBI @FBIBOSTON Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam -  and your idiot blon

Essex Mountain vs The Twighlight Manor

THEY TORE DOWN ESSEX MOUNTAIN SANATORIUM!!!!!!!! my favorite house!!!!! HOW COULD THEY??????? My new goal: rebuild a life-size replica of it in all it's bloody glory now all I need is about 10 billion dollars to fund the project before you ask, for those who don't know... it was in New Jersey.... they torn it down in 2002, but I just found out about it this morning <<<------- points to 1937 picture Okay, explaination: I started writing the Twighlight Manor series in 1978... it follows the multi-generational lives of the Swanzen family who built The Twighlight Manor, originally a "palace" for a murerous renegade king, than inherited from him to his phsychotic nephew, Sir Roderic, who himself believed that house to be alive and says it eats people... the guy is insane so most people don't take him seriously when he tells them not to enter his house cause it'll eat you, but than no one can explain the dead bodies that show upin the hallways, or the co

Someone talked to me today.

Someone talked to me today. Without yelling at me, or throwing rocks at me, or hitting me, or calling me crazy, or calling me insane, or pulling my cane from my hand and throwing it where I can’t reach it then pushing me in the road. That is the 3rd time this year, 2024, that a person has talked to me without being violent, hateful, or a bully. I also got a chance to talk to her. It was less than 3 minutes, but OMG! This is so exciting! Someone actually talked to me!!!!! This hasn’t happened in 8 years! Here is the video footage off my dashcam: I also got a chance to talk to her. Which is a really big thing, as I have been without speech therapy since the golf club woman broke my spine on November 14, 2013 , and left me crippled and bedridden and having to relearn to walk. And I was still mute when this happened. I had the surgery which gave me the ability to speak, June 24, 2016. I only have limited verbal speech, now, my voice i