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I hate UFO Hunters

Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam - leave my family the fuuck alone - keep you fucking jackass crew out of my yard, away from my car, and away from my friends - @FBI #FBI @FBIBOSTON

Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam how many times do I have to tell you people I am not an alien abductee, my name is not EelKat, EelKat is a fictional character from a novel I wrote, - @FBI #FBI @FBIBOSTON

Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam - my car is not haunted, that was a fucking hoax perpetrated by my uncle and it was debunked 2 damned decades ago, he's the only one who calls it the goldeneagle, not me I've never called it that, - @FBI #FBI @FBIBOSTON

Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam - and my friend you jackasses call Etiole is not an alien he is a homeless WW2 veteran with a lot of scars and he's almost a hundred years old - @FBI #FBI @FBIBOSTON

Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam -  and your idiot blond woman in your official Coast2Coast truck has been chasing him around all week with her crazy ass gadget covered "alien hunting" SUV - - @FBI #FBI @FBIBOSTON

Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam - she claims to be a reporter from your radio station and she's been harassing us all week, same way fucking MUFON has spent decades harassing us - BACK THE FUCK OFF! - @FBI #FBI @FBIBOSTON

Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam - Have you no respect! My son was murdered because you crazy alien people wouldn't leave us alone, so now on top of everything else, you're now impeding an FBI murder investigation - - @FBI #FBI @FBIBOSTON

Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam - your crazy UFO fans cut my car in half in 2010, drove a backhoe over my house in 2013, crippled me with a golf club - I've spent the last 11 years relearning to walk - - @FBI #FBI @FBIBOSTON

Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam - they beat my 8 month old baby's head in with a golf club - don't you think you people have done enough! ... - @FBI #FBI @FBIBOSTON

Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam - your idiot crew members have been here in Maine all week harassing us, trespassing on my yard, bothering me and my family and I'm sick of it. - @FBI #FBI @FBIBOSTON

Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam - Keep your fucking alien hunters out my yard, away from my family, and get your fucking beeping buzzing scanning equipment away from me, etiole, and my car!  - @FBI #FBI @FBIBOSTON

Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam - Why cant you people leave us alone STOP HARASSING US! - @FBI #FBI @FBIBOSTON

Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam - you want to do something ACTUAALLY useful with your time, why don't us help the FBI find out who murdered my son? Instead of sending even more idiot UFO nuts here to do even more damage! - @FBI #FBI @FBIBOSTON 

Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam - I am sick of you retarded fucking ass alien conspiracies idiots slandering me! Stop spreading your fucking lies about me! - @FBI #FBI @FBIBOSTON 

Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam - I am sick of you retarded fucking jackass ufo hunters harassing me  - @FBI #FBI @FBIBOSTON 

Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam - I am sick of the retarded fucking slander you spread about me calling me an alien abducted! Stop spreading your fucking lies about me! - @FBI #FBI @FBIBOSTON 

Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam - I am sick of the retarded fucking slander you spread about me calling my car haunted! Stop spreading your fucking lies about my car! - @FBI #FBI @FBIBOSTON 

Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam - I am sick of the retarded fucking slander you spread about me saying my car is killing people! You fucking retarded crazy ass idiots, my car isn't killing people! Stop spreading your fucking lies about my car! - @FBI #FBI @FBIBOSTON

Do you people have any idea how insanely retarded you sound?

Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam - I am sick of the retarded fucking slander you spread about me calling me a witch! I'm a LDS-Mormon! Stop spreading your fucking lies about me! - @FBI #FBI @FBIBOSTON

You crazy ass idiots!

Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam - I am sick of the retarded fucking slander you spread about me connecting my name to fucking Stephen King - that bastard harasses us Gypsies enough without you helping him! - @FBI #FBI @FBIBOSTON

Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam - I am sick of the retarded fucking slander you spread about me calling my books Erotica  Stop spreading your fucking lies about my LDS MORMON CHILDREN's BOOKS that having got anything to do with fucking Erotica! - @FBI #FBI @FBIBOSTON 

Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam - I am sick of the retarded fucking slander you spread about my friend calling Etiole an alien! Stop spreading your fucking lies about disabled veterans!! - @FBI #FBI @FBIBOSTON 

Coast to Coast AM - @coasttocoastam #coasttocoastam - If you have any information about my son's murder, please give it to FBI agent Andy Drewer at 207–774–9322 - @FBI #FBI @FBIBOSTON 

Look Up "Deep Fake" THAT is what you are finding.

I have NEVER made ANY videos about my car!

I have NEVER called called my car haunted!

I have NEVER made ANY videos about Stephen King! I don't even know anything about Stephen King. I've never read one of his books, I've never seen one of his movies!

I have never been abducted by aliens, and I never claimed to be!

I don't believe in aliens or demons or UFOs or witches or curses!

A "Deep Fake" is an AI generated video, made by scam artists, to look and sound like a real person. It is a technology that has been a problem on places like YouTube since at least 2010.

I've already told you before, those videos you are finding are NOT me - they are Deep Fakes.

I first found out about the Deep Fakes being made of me in 2015, nd since that day, I have recorded on video EVERY MINUTE of EVERY DAY of my life. And I can PROOVE where I was, and what I said with ACTUAL video footage of every single minute or every single hour of day, and I can PROVE those videos you have are Deep Fakes.

The existent of Deep Fake videos is WHY I record 24/7 - even though I do not upload videos to YouTube.

I don't record videos to upload them online, I record videos to use in COURT against the makers of Deep Fake videos. 

Deep Fake videos of me and my car, started showing up in 2014, a few weeks after my son's murder, and the FBI believes they are being made BY my son's murder, SPECIFICALLY to try to make me look insane, specifically to stop anyone from believing my son's murder.

THIS is my YouTube channel: is the ONLY YouTube channel I have, and you can see for yourself, I am NOT the one making those stupid ass videos about Stephen King or my car or aliens or UFOs!

THAT is WHY I keep telling you: If you find ANY video claiming to be me, and talking about my car, Stephen King, or my family - send it to the FBI agent in charge of my son's murder.

I am NOT making those videos.

That is NOT me in those videos.

Those videos are made by AI computer generation, by someone going heavy duty over board in an attempt to slander me.

If you find ANY videos online about me, my car, or claiming to be me: give them to FBI agent Andy Drewer at 207–774–9322


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