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Showing posts from April, 2024
As some people have asked how it is they could help, I have set up a way for you to do so now, so if you’d like to help me pay my medical bills, pay monthly bills, buy food, and save up to rebuild my house, you can chip in via Patreon, Stripe, or PayPal at any of the following one, recurring monthly, or recurring yearly levels: $One Time Amount/You Set Price (via PayPal) –Stripe one time (nonrecurring) options: $12 (via Stripe) $24  (via Stripe) $50  (via Stripe) $125 (via Stripe) –monthly Stripe recurring options: $30/mo (via Stripe) $75/mo  (via Stripe) $300/mo (via Stripe) $500/mo (via Stripe) –yearly Stripe recurring options: $120/yr  (via Stripe) $240/yr  (via Stripe) $500/yr  (via Stripe) $1250/yr (via Stripe) –monthly Patreon recurring options: $3/mo (via Patreon) $5/mo  (via Patreon) $10/mo  (via Patreon) $25/mo  (via Patreon) $50/mo (via Patreon) $100/mo (via Patreon) You can also tip me by buying my books on Amazon . ...

Someone talked to me today.

Someone talked to me today. Without yelling at me, or throwing rocks at me, or hitting me, or calling me crazy, or calling me insane, or pulling my cane from my hand and throwing it where I can’t reach it then pushing me in the road. That is the 3rd time this year, 2024, that a person has talked to me without being violent, hateful, or a bully. I also got a chance to talk to her. It was less than 3 minutes, but OMG! This is so exciting! Someone actually talked to me!!!!! This hasn’t happened in 8 years! Here is the video footage off my dashcam: I also got a chance to talk to her. Which is a really big thing, as I have been without speech therapy since the golf club woman broke my spine on November 14, 2013 , and left me crippled and bedridden and having to relearn to walk. And I was still mute when this happened. I had the surgery which gave me the ability to speak, June 24, 2016. I only have limited verbal speech, now, my voice i...

Amphibious Aliens — Medium Edition

  Is it true you are an alien abductee? Amphibious Aliens — Medium Edition Wendy Christine Allen 🌸💖🦄 aka EelKat 🧿💗 · Is it true you are an alien abductee? Seeing how this is the ONLY thing locals keep asking for over and over again, and a man and his 2 toddlers were just here in my driveway chanting “the crazy alien lady” over and over again, while I was trying to unpack grocery bags out of my car, last night. Here you go: Amphibious Aliens — Medium Edition (Read free here)* Artist rendition of Etiole. My 1964 Dodge 330, being returned home after UFO freak cut it up and stole it. Is it true you are an alien abductee? No. And I don’t know why people say I am, because I’ve never claimed to be. In fact I don’t believe in aliens. In fact, I vehemently HATE people who believe in UFO and claim to be alien abductees. I think people who believe in nonsense like aliens, UFOs, demons, ghosts, and haunted are deranged lunatics who should be straight jacketed in mental institutes when the...

Update about FBI Investigation

Update about FBI Investigation I just added more info, because a local woman was just here in my driveway yelling about it and demanding more info be added. So, I added the answer to the question she was asking here: EVERYTHING We Are Allowed To Publicly Release About The FBI Investigation Can Be Found HERE aka Full details of the events surrounding my son’s murder and my becoming crippled

Frustrations of relearning to walk

Frustrations of relearning to walk You know the problem with relearning to walk after 11 years bedridden with a broken spine? (spine is still broken, but nerves are starting to be usable again, so I’m regaining movement) It exhausts me to do anything. Apparently (according to my doctor) limited mobility for over a decade, weakened my lungs, and so when I try to go outside and walk my dog, it puts so much exertion on my lungs, that it is hard to breath, which in turn causes me to not be able to walk more than 50 feet without my lungs clamping up from too much exertion. So, now I have yet another issue. I need to get up each day to try to walk for a few minutes to get my legs working again, but it’s stressing my lungs to do so, so I now need to get my lung muscles stronger as well. Worst part is, I can not walk my dog every day, because walking him just around the block once, shuts my lungs down for 3 to 4 days. I tried taking him to Clifford Park yesterday, and now today my lungs ar...